Hmmm, This is Different

In the last post I talked about a new shop in town. Now there’s a new virus in town. It’s causing a lot of trouble and it’s not an April Fools prank.

My, how things have changed in just a few weeks time. Everything has officially gone pear shaped. The world is in an uproar, job loss is climbing, sales are at a dead stop, and panic is spreading The news and the rules about what to do, and not do, are changing everyday. Soooo, what do we do now?

Whew! Let’s all just stop and take a breath. Life is undoubtedly strange right now. We can’t get out of it or around it, so it’s time to adapt. We need to show each other more kindness and give each other more grace. More grace to adjust, more grace to be ok with not being ok. Most of us will not get through this unaffected. Let’s be patient, diligent, kind and compassionate. Love your family, love your neighbor, and don’t forget to love yourself.

Be well and be safe.

Sharon Crumbliss