our faith 

We have included a summary of our faith just in case you are interested in knowing more about who we are. It is not an attempt to convert you, or sway your opinion in any way. It is simply a statement of what we believe.

We believe…..

in one God; Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

the Bible is God’s holy word and our instruction manual for life.

we are born into an imperfect, sin cursed world.

we are all sinners and are in need of salvation, healing and hope.

Jesus Christ is the only source of that salvation, healing and hope.

Jesus Christ, the Son of God, left His throne in heaven, came to Earth and lived a life of example and sacrifice.

Jesus Christ was born of a virgin, lived a perfect sinless life and died on a cross as a sacrifice for our sins.

salvation is a gift available to all simply by asking, and accepting Jesus Christ as Lord of your life.

it’s not about rules, it’s about relationship; relationship with God and with each other.